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Trustees commend St Christopher’s work with young asylum-seekers

Trustees have received updates on our handling of the Calais crisis and on St Christopher’s latest achievements and aims at the most recent Council meeting.

Operations Resourcing Manager Andrew Lewis and a Home Office representative provided Trustees and the Senior Management Team with an account of how St Christopher’s has responded to the Calais emergency over the last few months. They highlighted the excellent work we’ve been doing with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and how quickly and efficiently we reacted to the crisis.

The Home Office colleague explained that her team viewed St Christopher’s as their gold standard provider in the care of higher needs young people. They were confident that any young people placed with us would receive the best standard of care.

She also described our response to the Home Office as professional, calm and flexible. We were excellent problem-solvers and communicators in a time of crisis.

St Christopher’s has a long history of supporting children and young people from all over the world, so we were proud to help the refugees arriving in the UK from Calais.